Aquaculture in the Philippines

Aypa, Simeona M.

Aquaculture in the Philippines - Quezon City, Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 1995

Aquaculture is regarded as the most promising source of protein food in the years ahead. Milkfish and Nile tilapia are the major fishes now produced but groupers, sea bass, rabbitfish, red snappers, carps, and catfishes are grown by some farmers. The tiger shrimp is still the most important cultured crustacean, but white shrimps and mudcrabs also have great potential. Oysters and mussels are produced in considerable amounts. Mariculture of the seaweed Eucheuma is now a well established industry, and the pond culture of Gracilaria for agar extraction is beginning to take off.

Nile Tilapia
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